Friday's Jeep trek was to the top of Harquahala Mountain. On the way, we enjoyed the desert in bloom again.
On the way to the base of the mountain, we stopped at an abandoned mine. I am not sure what was mined here. It was a large pit mine with some tunnels blasted into one side of it. It was interesting to wander through the tunnels.
Flowers at the mine.
More flowers at the mine.
Looking down into the mine, with the tunnels in the base of the far wall.
It was a short drive to the entrance to Harquahala Mountain. More flowers and cactus along the way. This one seemed to be watching us drive by.
We stopped here at the entrance to the mountain road for lunch.
From here it was a 10 mile Jeep trail up the mountain with an elevation gain of about 3300 ft.
At the top of the mountain is an abandoned solar observatory from the 1920s and a communications system for the regional canal system powered by a large solar array. To learn more about the history of the observatory at the top of this mountain,
click here.
This is a survey marker in a rock at the top of he mountain.
The communication system and solar array.
The abandoned observatory building.
More flowers at the top.
Part of the trail looking down from the top.
When we went to leave, we found out that our Jeep battery was dead. We jumped it off of one of the other Jeeps and made it home ok. New battery should be here on Tuesday. On the way back down, this gila monster crossed the road in front of the group.

Can you spot him in this picture?