My fellow volunteer, Kent, putting the finishing touches on our second replacement kiosk that we built.
We had to move this sign to here from a location abut a quarter of a mile from the road.
The office building here has a light that stays on at night and attracts quite a collection of moths.

Spyder lilies growing near the pond here.

One of the refuge trails near Lake Jackson had a small parking lot that was not large enough, so Kent and I were given the task of expanding it. We built a board fence arount the addition and leveled four truck loads of gravel to fill in low spots in the old and new areas.
The finished parking lot.
One day, instead of the usual alligator resting on this dock, a large diamond back water snake was sunning itself.
After finishing the other parking lot, they gave us the task of fencing another one at a different trail.
One of the little lizards here.
Not sure what the name of this flower is, but there are several of them bloomiing around here.
This is a sign from the cemetery for the church that we attend in Brazoria. The parish of this church was the first parish established in Texas.
We are finishing our last week of work here and plan on leaving for Des Moines on Monday.