Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bowling Green, MO

After fighting the wind all day, we stopped for the night in one of our favorite RV parks, Cozy C in Bowling Green, MO. 

The posts at the end of each site are topped with old  bowling balls. Appropriate for Bowling Green, right? My hand is on one in the picture above, but my selfie didn't come out very well. I guess I need a longer arm.

We were planning to make it to Saylorville tomorrow, but we got in touch with an old friend in Mt. Pleasant, IA so we are stopping there tomorrow for the night to visit with her. Then on the Saylorville on Saturday. We met some people next door tonight from Alaska. Had a nice visit with them and their dog.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! That's pretty close to my pen pal! -Becca
