Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Quartzsite, AZ

Yesterday afternoon we finally arrived in Quartzsite, AZ. We filled up on fuel at the edge of town and then off to our RV Park. We checked in and filled up with propane before we set up. It had been a long day with a lot of anxiety coming through the mountains. We just put out the slides, plugged in the electric and called it a day. There was no 50 amp service at our lot, but they came and installed it today. We walked over to Silly Al's pizza for lunch today and after lunch, Janice made an appointment for a hair cut and then we checked out the local stores for groceries. Tonight there was a jam session at the recreation building here. We went over and enjoyed it.

What is Quartzsite? Here is a description from an RV site that tries to describe it:

"It can be hard to explain the phenomenon that is Quartzsite. Not accurately, at least. It can come off either sounding too amazing and grand or like a dust bowl full of crazy people. The thing is that it’s a mix of both. It is almost like a mecca for RVers. There are numerous places to park, services everywhere, and gatherings galore. Q, as it’s commonly called, is also known for windy days, swap meets, and a naked bookseller. It’s hard to capture how this all intermingles in the winter when this little town of 3,000 people sees over 1 million visitors!"

As we learn more about the area, I will try to share it with you.

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