Sunday, August 9, 2015

Not Wandering

Just a quick note on here to let everyone know why I haven't been updating the blog. We haven't been wandering! We have spent the last 2 months sorting and packing away a 36 year accumulation that comes from staying in one house that long. Our kids have been great, helping out as they can and taking away things of theirs. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and should be done in a few days or so. We are very tired and are feeling our age at the end of the day. Many trips to recycling, the landfill, and goodwill have reduced the amount by quite a bit. I installed a 50 amp outlet at the new house and have been parked here for a few weeks. We love being out here in the country, but we just want to get this move done, put the house on the market and hit the road again!

1 comment:

  1. Sure understand the “just want to get this move done!” Glad to hear that the plan is progressing. We’ll be @ Bosque del Apache this winter.
