Saturday, November 2, 2019

Still In Tucumcari

We had planned on leaving here this morning, but we decided yesterday to stay one more night. We went to Mass tonight, and we will leave here tomorrow morning. We headed out to have lunch today and stopped at a farm and ranch store here. Antiques, hardware, clothing, and some great smelling smoked meat. Time to do lunch! We shared a table with a local man who turned out to be very interesting. His parents had owned one of the Route 66 motels here in town and he was raised in it. He and his wife later operated another one of them. He had a lot of local stories. After lunch he took us to see a Queen Anne house that he bought for his wife and they remodeled and operated as a B & B. She passed away earlier this year and I think he was a little lonely. His wife was a local historian and he gave us a couple of books that she had written. Janice caught up the laundry here at the RV park this afternoon before Mass. Had to finish drying part of it after Mass. Tomorrow we head west again!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. . . but what broke down today?! -Becca
