Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Few Critters

We are done with shopping, the decorations are up, presents are wrapped and we are ready for Christmas. We had a potluck Christmas party here at noon on Friday. It was in the cabin that I had put pictures of on here with Janice on the porch. Plenty of good food there.  Janice made her foil potatoes and onions and a pecan cobbler.  Nice to have some informal time with all of the workers here. I went to the mall in Gainesville on Saturday to finish my shopping. It was packed of course, but I think that all of the Christmas music and displays helped me to get into the Christmas mood. We picked a few more oranges yesterday, they are still delicious. Here are a few pictures of the critters that I run into here. They call these fence lizards, I see a lot of them on fence posts when working on the fences.  They have pretty good camouflage. Can you spot it in this picture?

How about now?

I was driving along today and this guy was right by the road.  By the time I got the camera out, he was leaving.  He was about 8 ft long.

They have a lot of fox squirrels here, They are much bigger that the squirrels at home.  They will run away in a hurry, but they usually stop part way up the tree and look around the tree at you.

They call these walking sticks, the big one is a female and the little one is a male and that's all I'm going to say about this picture.

Merry Christmas to everyone.  Wish we could have you all here with us.

1 comment:

  1. Pecan cobbler? Did you wrestle the alligator/crocodile? Love you both!

    Angela :-)
