Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Afternoon

My sister Rosalie has traditionally baked a fruitcake each Christmas for Dad and he always shared it with me. It always was delicious and I have missed it lately. This year my dear wife got the recipe from her and baked one for me.  It came out very well and we have be enjoying it.

Christmas was a quiet day for us, we slept late and then opened a few presents that we had gotten for each other. We talked to most of the kids on the phone, and both of us missed them very much, but we were glad that everyone was healthy and having a good Christmas.

Yesterday was laundry day, we decided to save money and do it here at Ordway this time to save money. They have one washer and one dryer up at what they call the Butler Building. Normally at the laundromat we use the large machines and do it all at once. Using the one machine, it took us 7 hours. It wasn't wasted time however because they have wi-fi at the Butler Building, so Janice could work on an online quilting class there. On the way there (about a 7 mile drive here in the station, 15 mph speed limit) we spotted a raccoon crossing the road and heading up a tree.  I couldn't get the camera ready fast enough to get a good picture when he was looking around the tree at us, but I did get this.

This afternoon we went out on the Polaris Ranger to take the garbage cans up to the north gate. Whenever we do that we usually spend some extra time exploring the station and checking the numbered poles marking the intersections to see if they need paint or repair. We spotted a pair of Sandhill Cranes who let me take their picture.  For more information on these large birds, click here. They have some resident pairs here and some that migrate through.

 On the way back, we spotted several deer, but only one who stopped for a picture.

It's really hard to believe that we have been here for eight weeks already!  We are enjoying our time here very much.

1 comment:

  1. funny how trading time for $$$ can be good or bad. We tend to look for laundromats that have WiFi and haven't yet found a place where we could do laundry for free.

    Glad the gig there has been rewarding. I seriously think we're still winding down from the forest. All I can say right now is it sure feels good cooling our jets.
